Meet Kylie Kaden, writer

Kylie Kaden is one of our Writing the Dream (due November 2016) authors. Since being plucked from the Random House slushpile, Brisbane writer Kylie Kaden is now an internationally published author of women’s fiction, and columnist at My Child Magazine. Kylie was raised in Queensland and spent holidays camping with her parents and two brothers at the Sunshine Coast, where parts of her books are set. As the only female in a house of males, she stays sane by plugging away with her writing whilst her youngest naps (and the washing mounts).


Her second suspense novel, Missing You, was also published by Random House. Check out her website, or follow her on Twitter at @KylieKadenAU or Facebook.

At are you working on now? Describe it in 15-20 words or less.

Two couples, four ironclad friendships – until one person does the unthinkable. Who will forgive, who will betray. Will they get away with it? And more importantly, should they?

Where did your desire to write come from?

My habit of living vicariously through fictional characters. When you read, you experience all the danger, without the risk. Writing just takes the escapism one step further.

What do you think about the phrase ‘write what you know’?

I don’t get out much, so if I only wrote what I knew I’d have already depleted my stock. What you do need, is the ability to empathise with your character’s predicament. So if you, or someone you know well, happens to have experienced a version of the conflict unfolding, it adds a level of authenticity to the writing that makes it easier for the reader to engage with.

What’s the hardest thing about writing?

Many say isolation is the hardest thing for authors, but living with three kids, being alone for any reason is absolute bliss! Besides, when you work singlehandedly at something you have complete control. (I’m fond of control). So I find ‘life’ getting in the way of writing time is the biggest challenge for me.

What would you like your Facebook Page status to say in 2018?


By then, my small but loyal bunch of adoring fans will have done such a great job advocating my books to the world that they will have started an international buying frenzy, forcing me to retire to my beach-house without the need to blow my own trumpet on social media. (I can only dream.)

What inspires you in life?

Mothers, and their endless, selfless commitment to their children.

What is your favourite quote?

‘If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best’. M. Monroe.

What is the best book-to-movie you’ve ever seen, and why? And the worst?

Best: Far From the Madding Crowd (Thomas Hardy’s 1874 classic): for proving that a simple conflict and distinct characters are all you need, whether you’re in a romantic novel, or a 2016 Hollywood blockbuster.

Worst: Twilight saga: Although I did enjoy them, seeing the giant talking dogs on screen made me realise how silly the whole thing was, which I was blissfully ignorant of reading the books.

What’s the last thing that made you laugh?

The Graham Norton show. Cheeky Cheeky Cheeky.

In a letter to your 16-year-old self, what advice would you give?

You are not fat. You might be one day but you aren’t now so get over it.

You are going to meet a nice boy. Don’t worry about it.

You don’t need to know what you want to do with the rest of your life already.

Don’t drink that bottle of vodka in Florence when you are 21. Just. Don’t.

You can be responsible later.

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